Inclusion Policy
In Glorious by Heidi you will find an environment that is safe, kind and inclusive.
Read on to find out more about Heidi's policy on inclusion.

As mum to a young woman who has Down's syndrome and Autism, I know first hand how important it is for my daughter to feel seen and celebrated, and how rarely this happened when she was growing up.
I also know that the smallest of adjustments to how small businesses like mine operate can make a huge and positive difference to individuals who often feel less seen and celebrated due to their sexuality, gender identity and/or expression, size, age, ethnicity, neurodiversity, disability or religion.
For that reason I work very hard to make sure that from your first point of contact with me you feel that no matter who you are or who you love, I will respect you, celebrate your love and readiness to celebrate that love with others. I will respect your chosen pronouns, your gender identity, and your sexuality. I will strive to implement the adjustments you require from me to make your first hand experiences with me comfortable, and that means anything from putting systems in place for you to alert me of your need to take breaks during your accessory consultation, informing you of the access points to the building ahead of your face to face consultation session.
Photo credit: Folk and Tale
I want everyone to feel they can celebrate their love and get excited about their up and coming wedding with me in a safe, supportive and understanding space willing to make any reasonable adjustments required to make your appointments with Glorious by Heidi something an enjoyable, productive, inspiring experience free from the anxiety associated with discrimination.
Photo credit: Nik Bryant Photography

My Inclusion Pledge
I will use inclusive language
I will respect your pronouns
I will communicate with you ahead of a visit to my studio to find out if you require adjustments such as a quiet environment, a photo of me and the space, information on access points
I will listen and act on any requests to avoid your sensory triggers
I will be patient
I will be knid
I will support you to get excited about your wedding free from barriers